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We have put together a modest collection of some information and images of our most popular and successful plants for your garden projects. This collection will be growing over time. Note that due to the seasonal availability of plants, this collection does not reflect current inventory in our stores.     Please call our stores directly to check availability for purchase or order.

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Hibiscus hybrid - Summerific® 'Spinderella'
Hibiscus hybrid
Summerific® 'Spinderella'
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Hibiscus rosa-sinensis - Yellow Tropical Hibiscus
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Yellow Tropical Hibiscus
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Hibiscus rosa-sinensis - Yellow Tropical Hibiscus
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Yellow Tropical Hibiscus
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Hibiscus syriacus - ''Blue Chiffon®'' Rose of Sharon
Hibiscus syriacus
''Blue Chiffon®'' Rose of Sharon
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Hibiscus syriacus - 'Purple Pillar®' Rose of Sharon
Hibiscus syriacus
'Purple Pillar®' Rose of Sharon
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Hibiscus syriacus - 'Red Pillar™' Rose of Sharon
Hibiscus syriacus
'Red Pillar™' Rose of Sharon
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Hibiscus syriacus - Chiffon® Dark Lavender
Hibiscus syriacus
Chiffon® Dark Lavender
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Hibiscus syriacus - Lavender Chiffon®
Hibiscus syriacus
Lavender Chiffon®
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Hosta - 'Brother Stefan'
'Brother Stefan'
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Hosta - 'Abiqua Drinking Gourd' Hosta, Plantain Lily
'Abiqua Drinking Gourd' Hosta, Plantain Lily
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Hosta - 'Curly Fries' Hosta, Plantain Lily
'Curly Fries' Hosta, Plantain Lily
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Hosta - 'Gold Standard' Hosta, Plantain Lily
'Gold Standard' Hosta, Plantain Lily
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Hosta (Hosta, Plantain Lily) - Shadowland® 'Voices in the Wind'
Hosta (Hosta, Plantain Lily)
Shadowland® 'Voices in the Wind'
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Hosta 'Cool as a Cucumber' - Cool as a Cucumber Hosta
Hosta 'Cool as a Cucumber'
Cool as a Cucumber Hosta
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Hosta 'Great Expectations' - Great Expectaions Hosta
Hosta 'Great Expectations'
Great Expectaions Hosta
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Hosta 'Sum and Substance' - Sum and Substance Hosta
Hosta 'Sum and Substance'
Sum and Substance Hosta
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Hosta 'Sun Mouse' - Hosta, Plantain Lily
Hosta 'Sun Mouse'
Hosta, Plantain Lily
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Hosta (Hosta, Plantain Lily) - Shadowland® 'Coast to Coast'
Hosta (Hosta, Plantain Lily)
Shadowland® 'Coast to Coast'
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Hosta (Hosta, Plantain Lily) - Shadowland® 'Etched Glass'
Hosta (Hosta, Plantain Lily)
Shadowland® 'Etched Glass'
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Hosta hybrid - 'Dream Weaver'
Hosta hybrid
'Dream Weaver'
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Hosta hybrid - Shadowland® 'Diamond Lake'
Hosta hybrid
Shadowland® 'Diamond Lake'
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Hosta hybrid - Shadowland® 'Wu-La-La'
Hosta hybrid
Shadowland® 'Wu-La-La'
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Hosta hybrid - Shadowland® Autumn Frost
Hosta hybrid
Shadowland® Autumn Frost
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Hybrid Spring Phlox - Spring Bling™ 'Pink Sparkles'
Hybrid Spring Phlox
Spring Bling™ 'Pink Sparkles'
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Hydrangea arborescens - 'Invincibelle Sublime™' Smooth Hydrangea
Hydrangea arborescens
'Invincibelle Sublime™' Smooth Hydrangea
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Hydrangea arborescens - Incrediball® Smooth Hydrangea
Hydrangea arborescens
Incrediball® Smooth Hydrangea
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Hydrangea arborescens - Incrediball® Smooth Hydrangea
Hydrangea arborescens
Incrediball® Smooth Hydrangea
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Hydrangea arborescens - Invincibelle® Ruby
Hydrangea arborescens
Invincibelle® Ruby
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Hydrangea arborescens - Invincibelle® Spirit II
Hydrangea arborescens
Invincibelle® Spirit II
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  •    Attracts Butterflies
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  •    Attracts Songbirds
  •    Cold Tolerant
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  •    Drought Tolerant
  •    Fast Growing
  •    Ground Cover
  •    Hanging Basket
  •    Low Maintenance
  •    Native
  •    Slow Growing
  •    Vigorous
  •    Water's Edge / Bog Plant
  •    Deer Resistant
  •    Rabbit Resistant
  •    Squirrel Resistant
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