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We have put together a modest collection of some information and images of our most popular and successful plants for your garden projects. This collection will be growing over time. Note that due to the seasonal availability of plants, this collection does not reflect current inventory in our stores.     Please call our stores directly to check availability for purchase or order.

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Hydrangea macrophylla - 'Wee Bit Giddy®' Bigleaf Hydrangea
Hydrangea macrophylla
'Wee Bit Giddy®' Bigleaf Hydrangea
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Hydrangea macrophylla - Cherry Explosion™
Hydrangea macrophylla
Cherry Explosion™
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Hydrangea macrophylla - Let's Dance® Blue Jangles®
Hydrangea macrophylla
Let's Dance® Blue Jangles®
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Hydrangea macrophylla - Let's Dance® Blue Jangles®
Hydrangea macrophylla
Let's Dance® Blue Jangles®
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Hydrangea macrophylla 'Twist and Shout™ ' - Endless Summer® Twist and Shout™
Hydrangea macrophylla 'Twist and Shout™ '
Endless Summer® Twist and Shout™
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Hydrangea paniculata - 'Limelight Prime®'
Hydrangea paniculata
'Limelight Prime®'
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Hydrangea paniculata - 'Limelight Prime®'
Hydrangea paniculata
'Limelight Prime®'
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Hydrangea paniculata - 'Limelight Prime®'
Hydrangea paniculata
'Limelight Prime®'
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Hydrangea paniculata - Fire Light Tidbit®
Hydrangea paniculata
Fire Light Tidbit®
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Hydrangea paniculata - Vanilla Strawberry™
Hydrangea paniculata
Vanilla Strawberry™
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Hydrangea serrata - Let's Dance Can Do®
Hydrangea serrata
Let's Dance Can Do®
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Hydrangea serrata - Tuff Stuff™ Red
Hydrangea serrata
Tuff Stuff™ Red
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Hypericum kalmianum - ''Sunny Boulevard®'' St. John''s Wort
Hypericum kalmianum
''Sunny Boulevard®'' St. John''s Wort
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Ilex - 'Nellie R. Stevens' Holly
'Nellie R. Stevens' Holly
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Ilex - 'Oak Leaf™' Red Holly
'Oak Leaf™' Red Holly
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Ilex crenata - 'Sky Pencil' Japanese Holly
Ilex crenata
'Sky Pencil' Japanese Holly
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Ilex crenata - 'Sky Pencil' Japanese Holly
Ilex crenata
'Sky Pencil' Japanese Holly
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Ilex crenata - 'Sky Pencil' Japanese Holly
Ilex crenata
'Sky Pencil' Japanese Holly
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Ilex crenata - 'Steeds' Japanese Holly
Ilex crenata
'Steeds' Japanese Holly
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Ilex crenata 'Compacta' - Compact Japanese Holly
Ilex crenata 'Compacta'
Compact Japanese Holly
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Ilex crenata 'Compacta' - Compact Japanese Holly (pyramid)
Ilex crenata 'Compacta'
Compact Japanese Holly (pyramid)
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Ilex vomitoria - Dwarf Yaupon Holly
Ilex vomitoria
Dwarf Yaupon Holly
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Ilex x 'Conin' PP9486 - Robin ™ Red Holly
Ilex x 'Conin' PP9486
Robin ™ Red Holly
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  •    Attracts Butterflies
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  •    Drought Tolerant
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  •    Slow Growing
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  •    Deer Resistant
  •    Rabbit Resistant
  •    Squirrel Resistant
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