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We have put together a modest collection of some information and images of our most popular and successful plants for your garden projects. This collection will be growing over time. Note that due to the seasonal availability of plants, this collection does not reflect current inventory in our stores.     Please call our stores directly to check availability for purchase or order.

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Ilex x attenuata - Foster Holly 'Tree Form'
Ilex x attenuata
Foster Holly 'Tree Form'
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Ilex x attenuata - 'Fosteri' Foster Holly
Ilex x attenuata
'Fosteri' Foster Holly
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Ilex x attenuata - 'Fosteri' Foster Holly
Ilex x attenuata
'Fosteri' Foster Holly
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IMPATIENS for the SUN - SunPatiens® Compact
SunPatiens® Compact
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Impatiens x hybrida - SunPatiens® Compact Fire Red
Impatiens x hybrida
SunPatiens® Compact Fire Red
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Ipomoea batatas - Sweet Caroline Sweetheart Jet Black™
Ipomoea batatas
Sweet Caroline Sweetheart Jet Black™
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Ipomoea hybrid - Sweet Caroline Sweetheart Lime
Ipomoea hybrid
Sweet Caroline Sweetheart Lime
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Itea virginica - 'Love Child®' Sweetspire
Itea virginica
'Love Child®' Sweetspire
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Itea virginica - Fizzy Mizzy® Sweetspire
Itea virginica
Fizzy Mizzy® Sweetspire
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Juniperus chinensis - Nicks Pfitzer Compacta Juniper
Juniperus chinensis
Nicks Pfitzer Compacta Juniper
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Juniperus procumbens 'Nana' - Procumbens Nana Juniper
Juniperus procumbens 'Nana'
Procumbens Nana Juniper
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Lagerstroemia 'JM2' PPAF (Crapemyrtle) - Thunderstruck™ Rumblin' Red™
Lagerstroemia 'JM2' PPAF (Crapemyrtle)
Thunderstruck™ Rumblin' Red™
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Lantana camara - Luscious ® Bananarama™
Lantana camara
Luscious ® Bananarama™
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Lantana camara - Luscious® Berry Blend™
Lantana camara
Luscious® Berry Blend™
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Lantana camara - Luscious® Citrus Blend™
Lantana camara
Luscious® Citrus Blend™
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Lantana camara - Luscious® Lemonade
Lantana camara
Luscious® Lemonade
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Leucanthemum superbum - Amazing Daisies® 'Banana Cream'
Leucanthemum superbum
Amazing Daisies® 'Banana Cream'
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Leucanthemum superbum - Amazing Daisies® Daisy May®
Leucanthemum superbum
Amazing Daisies® Daisy May®
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Plant Characteristics
  •    Attracts Butterflies
  •    Attracts Humming-birds
  •    Attracts Pollinators
  •    Attracts Songbirds
  •    Cold Tolerant
  •    Container
  •    Drought Tolerant
  •    Fast Growing
  •    Ground Cover
  •    Hanging Basket
  •    Low Maintenance
  •    Native
  •    Slow Growing
  •    Vigorous
  •    Water's Edge / Bog Plant
  •    Deer Resistant
  •    Rabbit Resistant
  •    Squirrel Resistant
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